The Australian Shepherd is a member of the group from the breeding of dogs. A dog of medium size, well known for its ability to monitor and pasture. The family is very intelligent and very loyal. This dog needs a lot of physical and mental integrity. Australia could be the breed for you? Choice of breed of dog is very important for you and your dog. Here is the German shepherd dog Australian standards and other important information, you should before buying a new dog or puppy to your home.
History: Unlike its name, the pastors of Australia suspected of originating from Spain. They were then taken up in the U.S. and in California was an Australian. Fog, there is confusion about their origin, but it is presumed to breed cattle with which he to America at the end of the nineteenth and early twentieth century. Because they are the work of the dogs, farmers have tried for more on climate change by mixing with the dogs. Reproduction takes place mainly between the native species of America, and English Shepherd breed.
The nature of the work of the Race: The bishops from Germany, like all other breeds workplace. They helped the farmers to keep their livestock and animals on the large farms. They are generally very nature conservationists, and as watchdogs, which helps unwanted or suspicious neighbors. Do different types of dogs and sports can be much pride of its owner.
Looks: These dogs range in height from 18 to 23 cm and weighs 35 to 60 pounds with eight different combinations of Robin red or blue, black and red. The distinction between the colors of each species. His eyes are in different colors and can be green, hazel, yellow, or two colors. Bobber queues are short, or even with the permission of the country. Farmers prefer the long tail to the ring of the tail race. Have a double layer of the skin and ears folded down.
The personality and temperament: This group of dogs is very big and friendly. They are very possessive of their respective owners and are very good for monitoring the owners and their goods. This feature can be frightening for children. In general, however, is very friendly with children and is very good that the family of dogs. They are very happy to show-off who have mastered all the tricks. They are very intelligent and learn quickly in any event, the string in their work. If you do not have enough work, are frustrated and hyper-attention to running and barking, for no apparent reason.
Attention: The shepherds in Australia are very playful, cheerful and intelligent in nature. It is better to be in a secure place and fenced. The large amount of activity daily to stay healthy and happy.
Habitat: The Australian shepherd tending a high level of energy and must be authorized to work and play. With the lack of activity, which tends to become bored and frustrated. I like the society, especially with the owners and others who are close to their hearts. Are also good travelers.

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