Here are some tips to help you find the right dog breed for you. Identify your needs and lifestyle before you start looking at puppies. Answering these questions will help you choose a dog breed that fits your familys lifestyle.
Do you have children? What are their ages? Some dog breeds do well with young children and others dont. Do you have a home or an apartment?
Some dog breeds need room to roam, some are couch potatoes. Is your yard fenced or will you have to take your dog for walks?
You might not want to walk a huge dog several times a day. How much time can you spend with your dog?
If you're gone most of the day, choose a dog breed that doesn't mind being alone for long periods of time. Are you an active person or a couch potato? Be honest. Do you spend a lot of time outdoors?
Choose a dog breed that matches your energy level. Where will your dog be spending most of his time? Outside or inside? If outside, make sure the breed you choose can handle the temperature changes in your area. There are many factors to consider when looking at dog breeds.
Once you've identified your families needs, its time to start researching dog breeds. One caveat: Dog breeders raise a particular breed of dog because they love that breed. They truly believe that their breed of dog is the best. Do your research before you visit a dog breeder. How do you find the perfect breed for you? Armed with your familys "lifestyle profile", read and research breeds that interest you.
Here are some important points to consider:
How big will this dog get? Look at height and weight. Even though a Bulldog is short, it can weigh 50+ pounds as an adult. Can you lift a 50 pound dog? Perhaps you think a little dog would be the perfect choice for a family with little kids. Maybe not. Small dogs have small bones that are easily broken if stepped on. Dog breeds come in every shape and size. Find one that fits your needs. Hair and grooming do you want a long-haired or short-haired dog?
The amount of grooming each breed requires varies greatly. On one end of the spectrum you have the easy care coats. These breeds need an occasional wipe down with a damp cloth and a bath once or twice a year. On the other end, you have coats that need extensive grooming and care. Afghan Hounds, for instance, require daily grooming. From the time an Afghan puppy is 8 weeks old you can expect frequent baths, cream rinses and daily brushing to prevent tangles. Most dogs fall somewhere in between. Decide how much time and money you want to spend on your dogs grooming needs. Energy level how much exercise will your dog require as an adult? Will a game of fetch be enough to wear him out?
Some smaller breeds are easily exercised indoors. Dog breeds are separated into groups. Breeds in the Working and Herding groups, for example, are usually high energy and require lots of exercise. This is not the rule, however, so be sure to read everything you can about your chosen breed. Doing your research before you shop for a puppy is the easiest way to minimize frustration later on. Now you can be sure that you and the breed and bred for. There are also sub groups you can delve into, that would be more specific in defining the general temperament of that particular dog breed.
Dont forget that often the temperament of a dog breed will actually follow the function of that breed. Obviously you want to match temperament and energy of the dog with the family. Also, you need to match the "age" of the family with the energetic needs of the dog.
Will you be gone often, the dog left alone? There are so many different questions and answers. Make yourself a list, and then, take that list to the breeder. -How much time is spent away from home? -Do you live in a house, apartment or condominium? -Do you walk often? Are they brisk walks, or ambling walks? Some people choose a particular dog breed because they like the way it looks. Appearance is only one of many factors you should consider. Here are some tips to help you find the right dog breed for you.
Identify your needs and lifestyle before you start looking at dog breeds. Answering these questions will help you choose a dog breed that fits your familys lifestyle. Do you have children? What are their ages? Some breeds do well with young children and others dont. Do you have a home or an apartment? Some breeds need room to roam, some are couch potatoes.
If youre gone most of the day, choose a breed that doesnt mind being alone for long periods of time. Are you an active person or a couch potato? Be honest. Do you spend a lot of time outdoors? Choose a breed that matches your energy level.
Where will your dog be spending most of his time? Outside or inside? If outside, make sure the breed you choose can handle the temperature changes in your area.

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